Good article on how we can better help the grief stricken. Certified Bereavement and Grief Counselors play a pivotal role in this. Stemming from a variety of disciplines, from pastoral to funeral, or behavioral to nursing, those who help others through grief, play a pivotal role in helping millions adapt and overcome loss. Certified Grief Counselors are specialized in this area of training and can help those who need the most professional guidance through the maze of grief.

The article, “Bereavement Researcher: We Must Do Better for the Grief-Stricken” by Kevyn Burger looks at how professionals and society as a whole can better help those sticken by grief. The article states,
Today, mourning a death has few rules, traditions or identifiers. But research indicates that a significant loss is deadly serious, putting the grieving at higher risk for serious health problems, and even their own premature death.
To read the entire article, please click here
If you are a professional looking to become a certified grief counselor, then please review our program and see if it matches your academic or professional needs.