4 Neonatal Diseases and How You Can Prevent and Treat Them

Healthcare Professionals and Neonatal Diseases

According to the World Health Organization, each year three million babies die within their first month. Many of these infants suffer from common complications that can be prevented, treated during gestation, or treated upon birth.



Development of anemia results from an inadequate amount of red blood cells. In a healthy fetus, iron is stored during the last months of pregnancy to be used for production of red blood cells after birth. Babies born in unhealthy conditions or those born before term may not be able to properly store iron. It is essential for the mother to take the necessary vitamins during gestation, particularly folic acid. If this is not enough, the baby may be treated with iron supplements after birth.



According to high-risk obstetrician Gilbert Webb MD , this condition occurs when the liver cannot function well enough to remove waste from the blood, and this condition is more common in premature newborns or those who have incompatible blood types with their mothers. High levels of this waste product, known as bilirubin, can cause complications. There are various ways to treat the condition depending on the expertise of the physicians in care. One way to treat the baby is with phototherapy, which breaks down and eliminates the bilirubin. In more extreme circumstances, the baby may need an exchange transfusion to reduce the levels.


Breathing Problems

Breathing issues occur fairly frequently among newborn babies, and the most common conditions include apnea and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Apnea occurs when there are inconsistencies in the baby’s breathing pattern. The pattern can be monitored to ensure safe breathing, and babies will be stimulated or given medicine to help. BPD occurs in babies who have immature lungs, and they may develop scarring or fluid. They may need a mechanical ventilator to assist with breathing before moving on to medications.



Normally affecting premature babies, this condition occurs when bowels become damaged due to decreased blood supply. Bacteria that reside in the intestines invade the affected areas and cause further damage. Babies with the condition suffer from abdominal swelling, feeding problems and other complications. Upon diagnosis, the baby will be fed intravenously until the bowel heals. If the problem becomes too severe, damaged sections of the intestines may need to be surgically removed.


Advancements in medicine and technology improve the knowledge about common neonatal complications. This knowledge allows more problems to be prevented beforehand or effectively handled to give babies a greater chance of health down the line.


About the author: A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect wit


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