People regardless of any geographical location consider themselves a patient after 100 degree Celsius of fever or something similar. They contact a doctor and doctor give them medicines, in all they waste their time and which can easily be saved if they wait a bit and go through certain checkups on their own and then decided to go to a doctor if there is a need of it.
Here are few of the checks recommended by Health Care Life Coaches that you should consider doing on your own before contacting a doctor and paying their consultation fee.
– Symptom check
Most people, women especially, tend to think they’re “sick” and need to check with a doctor about their illness. Why are you so excited about it? Stop. Take a moment to review the symptoms. Are you actually sick? If the symptoms suggest its normal and you can stay home, rest and get better on your own then you definitely don’t need to visit the doctor.
If the symptoms suggest otherwise, of course that’s when you step out of your home. Many medical websites offer the facility to help you check yourself against symptoms. So you definitely need not to panic.
– Home Remedies
Now that your symptoms say “yes, you are sick”, you still don’t need to run for a doctor. You’ve heard a lot of people tell you of remedies for every single problem, right? Try those out. Of course not like experiments. Make sure they’re approved, tested and give results. If it is a fever, you know the simple old method of cold wet towel. If it is stuffed nose, you know how to steam it out. Even if it is something a bit bigger, try something a bit better.
Ask your nanny, your old aunt who always keeps telling you “you’ll get ill if you don’t …” or ask any friend who went through the same problem. The best thing to do is look online on medical websites that are trustworthy.
– Stress check
This is important! Sometimes, it’s just our hectic routine; the change in schedule causes stress on our body. Be it backache, neck stretch trouble, eye pain, hair loss etc, they could only be because of stress. Our body needs rest; it needs us to take care of it.
Give your body some time to get out of stress. Take proper sleep, food and liquid intakes. You yourself will know whether what you’re facing is actually troublesome or not.
– Not Improving
So before going to the doctor, does a patient really have to wait and go through all these processes which seem like they’ll take forever? No. Today, approximately 177,000 Americans will visit a doctor, even though they have absolutely no symptoms. That is the only reason why I want you to be careful about visiting the doctor unnecessarily. If your problem is a serious one like cardiac pain, genital pain, even unending fever or relentless flu, you surely need to go to the doctor. As soon as you realize your problem is not settling you don’t need to wait anymore. That’s when you run to the doctor.
– Doctor Check
The last step and of course the most important one is to know whether the doctor you’re going to visit is a professional and renowned one or not. Don’t go and waste your money and time (the least of your actual problems) with a doctor who is just going to play with your money and order needless tests. Know who you will be visiting and prepare before going. Make a checklist of things you’ll need over there too. Like your prescriptions, allergies, reaction to any drug, questions you want to ask, symptoms you’ve been facing etc. Only good doctors will check your history and discuss with you in detail. When you are unclear with the doctor, it may result in wrong diagnosis thus wrong medicine. Also, doctors who just perform unnecessary surgeries and suggest useless tests must be checked before you go.
Visiting a doctor is important but when you are planning to visit unnecessarily, it wastes your time and money. The idea is to keep the above given checks in mind and then if you think visiting a doctor is important then you should not wait for a second more and visit the best doctor for your problem.
About the Author:
Selena Mitchell use to write about medical and technology related topics.
Health Care Life Coaching can also supply information regarding if a doctor is needed or not. Health Care Life Coaches not only can help us when we are healthy, but also when we are sick. If you have a certified health care life coach working for you, then their information and guidance should definitely be utilized.