How to Find Spiritual Renewal at Work

The article, “How to Find Spiritual Renewal at Work”, by Laura Polk states

“In a normal day, it’s a wonder you find time to breathe, much less to connect with God – one you need the most during this time.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Some good tips on spiritual renewal.  Remember always, your daily work is your vocation, make your very life a prayer, as St. Theresa the Little Flower did so long ago.

St Theresa the Little Flower would offer up her daily duties to God.  Whether as menial as sweeping the floor to taking out the garbage, she offered it up to God.  The crosses that we choose, even if greater, are still of our choosing.  God finds great pleasure when we accept the crosses and duties that are thrown upon us instead.  So one may fast, which is good, but by simply accepting daily duty which is beyond our control is greater because it is not within our will to do or not do.  This is how daily tasks at work can become most pleasing to God.

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