Substance Abuse Counseling Program – When Parents Invite Substance Abuse?

Substance Abuse and Early Drinking Trends

Substance Abuse can start from the early beginnings especially when parents unknowingly allow their children to drink under their supervision.  Instead of removing the temptation to drink later, studies show it enhances the temptation.  The European model of younger drinking ages just does not fit with America’s culture.

Meredith Bennett-Smith of the Huffington Post writes on this subject in her article, “Parents (Mistakenly) Believe Lettings Kids Drink Alcohol Early Discourages Later Use, Study Says” about the growing problem of early age drinking that is connected with parents who drink with their children.

“A surprising number of parents believe that early exposure to alcohol will discourage children from drinking in adolescence and help prevent alcohol abuse later on, according to a new study from the RTI International and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.”

To read the entire article, please click here

This alarming trend is another thing Substance Abuse Counselors must deal with when counseling parents and teens about the addictive nature of drinking.
If you are interested in substance abuse counseling program, please click here