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Emotional Freedom Technique/Meridian Tapping CE Courses

CE Courses Education Program for Certification

EFT Tapping CoursesThe American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc., offers a full Continuing Education program of online courses for those seeking Certification in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/Meridian Energy Tapping.

Upon completion of the Four (4) courses detailed below, eligible applicants may apply for and receive certification as a Certified Master EFT Practitioner & a Certified Meridian Energy Tapping Practitioner. Each course is provided for in a dedicated online classroom. The courses are designed as independent study/continuing education courses, with one-to-one faculty mentoring. There is open enrollment and students may register and begin the EFT/Meridian Energy Tapping CE Courses Program at anytime. Students must meet the eligibility criteria, as provided below, to register for these continuing education courses.

To preview our full EFT/Meridian Energy Health Tapping Certification Program: access here.

Watch an Inspirational Video About EFT by the Founder Gary Craig:  access here

Continuing Education Courses

Course Fees: Below are listed the required courses for this curriculum. At the end of each course description you will find the course cost listed. All textbooks and learning materials are separate and not included in the course cost.  

The following CE Courses have provider approvals:

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is an Approved Provider for Continuing Education by the South Carolina Professional Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists and Psycho-Educational Specialists licensing board, Provider # 4637.

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595.

The following CE Courses have provider approvals:   The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. is an Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Florida State Board of Nursing  Provider # 50-11975.


The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Arkansas Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Georgia Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the South Carolina Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Professional Registered Nurses. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the New Mexico Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.


EF 500 – The Complete EFT Training Seminar for Professional Development

This course is a comprehensive Video on Demand course and seminar that offers students a complete education and EFT training program in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The course is written, produced and instructed by our Executive Director, Dr. Dominick L. Flarey, who is a Certified Master EFT Practitioner, A Certified Holistic EFT Practitioner and Certified in Thought Field Therapy. This 14-hour course takes students from the very basics of EFT and energy psychology and moves from basic to intermediate to advanced concepts and techniques in EFT practice. By the completion of this education and training seminar students have a high level of proficiency in understanding and in using EFT for their professional development needs and goals. This course is also the foundational course for those who are studying in our Certification program to become Certified as Master EFT Practitioners. The course is structured in 6 Video sessions; How EFT Works, Tapping Energy, Classic EFT & Protocols, Positive EFT, Advanced Concepts, and The Experiences of EFT. Each session comes with downloadable course handouts. There are three downloadable E-Learning books provided with supplemental articles and materials on EFT for additional learning. In each of the Video lecture sessions students will experience actual EFT sessions lead by Dr. Flarey , incorporating the learning and skills being taught; from basic to advanced. This experienced based learning is a real plus in solid learning of EFT. Levels of course complexity: Basic and Intermediate.

Course Code: EF 500. Contact hours of education = 14. Course Fee: $150.00


EF 510 – EFT/ Meridian Energy Tapping: Theory & Process

This comprehensive EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) course provides mental health and other health care professionals a full education curriculum for both theories and processes of the Emotional Freedom Technique. This is an intermediate to advanced course. Mental health and health care professionals will review some basic techniques related to EFT and then move on to examine and study intermediate and more advanced techniques and methods for using EFT in their clinical practices with clients. Many types of EFT methods are presented, studied and learned including first client assessments, methods for defining major issues, aspects, and working through to significantly reduce emotional charges and intensities. The Personal Peace Procedure is highlighted as an effective tool for long-standing emotional issues and resolution of major problems and aspects. Mental health and other health care professionals will study and learn additional tapping points that may be used to enhance client outcomes as well as many additional methods that can be used with EFT to provide greater client outcomes and resolution of emotional issues and problems. Major EFT methods are explored, studied and learned for use in clinical EFT practice including the Tearless Trauma Technique, The Movie Technique, The Tell the Story Technique, The Choices Method, Reframing, and many more to provide EFT practitioners will a well- rounded education and a comprehensive set of highly effective, evidence-based methods for quality outcomes in working with their clients. Methods to evaluate the progress of clients are examined. Students will explore methods to assist clients in developing highly effective set-up statements, reminder phrases and methods to assist clients in making positive cognitive shifts in their perceptions. Ethical and legal considerations in EFT practice are explored. Mental health and other health care professionals will explore case studies in the use of EFT and observe effectiveness of its use in facilitating positive outcomes in client treatment and care as a complimentary healing modality. This course utilizes three textbooks as well as instructional videos for viewing to facilitate a comprehensive quality learning experience. Level of complexity: Intermediate to Advanced.  Prerequisite: you must have successfully completed EF 500 (above) before taking this course.

Course Code: EF 510. Contact hours of education = 55. Course Fee: $150.00


EF 520 – Applications in EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping

This CE online course is the third course in the EFT/Meridian Energy Tapping curriculum for those mental health and health care professionals studying and learning this specialty practice. Its focus is on applications in EFT and Meridian Tapping in the clinical practice setting. Students will study applications of EFT/Tapping as it relates to working with clients for many varied issues such as stress disorders, anxiety disorders, phobias, pain, physical illnesses, allergies, grief, physical injuries, traumas, body confidence issues, weight loss issues, cravings and more. EFT/Meridian Tapping students will study and review and process themselves many varied EFT/Meridian Tapping exercises and conduct self-evaluations of the process and the effectiveness of the modalities. They will in-turn explore and relate to how these techniques and EFT/Tapping methods and modalities can best be administered most safely and effectively to their clients in the practice setting. A focus on the evaluation of methods effectiveness is gained as well as revising the EFT/Tapping treatment plans as clients evolve and progress in outcomes. Several new EFT/Tapping, evidence- based methods are explored as well as some new meridian tapping points for use in clinical practice. There are several video presentations that students are also required to view to enhance their learning of applications of EFT/Tapping in the clinical setting. As the materials are studied students will develop a comprehensive written Learning Portfolio of all of the learning they achieve including detailed analysis of their experiences with the practice application exercises required in the course. This course provides mental health professionals and other health care professionals with the knowledge and exercises/experiences to prepare them to work with clients safely and effectively in clinical EFT practices and settings. Their progressive accumulation of knowledge and skills attainment in EFT/Meridian Tapping comes together in this course where the focus is on the applications and evaluation of effectiveness as well as EFT/Meridian Tapping plans for their clients. This comprehensive applications course is preparatory to the next course which is the clinical practicum course in the EFT/Meridian Tapping Curriculum offer by AIHCP, Inc. Prerequisites for this course: students must have successfully completed EF 500 and EF 510 before they may enroll into this course. Level of complexity: Advanced.

Course Code: EF 520. Contact hours of education = 40. Course Fee: $100.00


EF 530 – EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping: Clinical Practicum

This is the final course in the EFT/Meridian Energy Tapping curriculum leading to eligibility for Master Practitioner Certification.  In this course students will be working with actual volunteer clients in a practice setting and conducting EFT/Meridian Energy Tapping sessions.  Students will adhere to comprehensive guidelines for conducting sessions to include, but not limited to client assessments, teaching clients about EFT/Meridian Energy Tapping, facilitating the EFT/Tapping process with clients including the entire process as learned in the three subsequent courses and providing clients will full coaching and evaluation throughout the processes.  Students will be working with various types of clients and issues as defined by the course guidelines to provide for a well- rounded practicum experience.  Students will attain their own client volunteers and students will adhere to the code of ethics of AIHCP, Inc. when working with clients. Consent by clients will be obtained for all practicum sessions, and disclosures/ disclaimers regarding EFT/Tapping will be provided to volunteer clients. EFT/Meridian Energy Tapping student will be completing full written case studies on the entire session with each of their clients which are rigorously graded by the instructor.  The completed written case studies comprise the comprehensive examination for this course.  Upon successful completion of this course, students are eligible to receive certification as a Certified Master EFT Practitioner and a Certified Practitioner in Meridian Energy Tapping.  Prerequisites: student must have successfully completed the following courses to be eligible to enroll in this course: EF 500, EF 510, and EF 520.  Level of Complexity: Advanced.

Course Code: EF 530. Contact hours of education = 20. Cost: $100.00


Additional Information

Prerequisite to enrolling in the continuing education program:

Requisite for all Applicants for Certification: applicants/candidates for certification must meet one of the following prerequisites to enter the program: is a licensed health care professional with a current and active license to practice, including an RN, Physician, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Professional Counselor, Marriage/Family Therapist, Social Worker. Others who may qualify after submitting a request for consideration to enter the program include: holds at a minimum a college level degree and specialty certifications or practice experience  in any of the following areas; psychology, human services, sociology,  behavioral health, social services, crisis intervention, grief/bereavement, hypnotherapy,  substance abuse counseling, or a similar related health care practice field. If you would like to make application to ascertain whether you would qualify to enter this certification program, you may access this Inquiry Form and following the instructions for completing and submitting it to us: access here

  • All courses are continuing education courses and are provided in online classrooms via our website. Upon enrollment a unique identification and password is provided for classroom access. The online classrooms provide full syllabi and course information, including the course exams and evaluations. Students must a achieve a minimum score of 75% on the course examination to pass the continuing education courses.
  • Participants are given two (2) years from the date of enrollment into the first course, to complete the entire program of four (4) continuing education courses.
  • Upon completion of each course, you will be awarded the corresponding continuing education contact hours and receive the CE certificate verifying course completion and the award of education credits. Registration may be completed online, by accessing the links below.
  • Participants must complete the entire 139 contact hours of education to be eligible to apply for certification. For information on the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/Meridian Energy Tapping Certification program, click here.

Additional Links

What is Certification?

“A certification is a third-party attestation of an individual’s level of knowledge or proficiency in a certain industry or profession. They are granted by authorities in the field, such as professional societies and universities, or by private certificate-granting agencies. Most certifications are time-limited; some expire after a period of time (e.g., the lifetime of a product that required certification for use), while others can be renewed indefinitely as long as certain requirements are met. Renewal usually requires ongoing education to remain up-to-date on advancements in the field, evidenced by earning the specified number of continuing education credits (CECs), or continuing education units (CE’s), from approved professional development courses. “ 1

Certification is an official recognition from a “Professional Organization” that one has met all of the established standards as determined by that professional organization to be conferred the specific “certification” by that professional organization.  Certifications are most frequently established and conferred by “professional organizations.” Certification is thus a validation that a professional has thus achieved a high standard of knowledge, learning and skills in a specific specialty area of practice. It attests to an achievement in professional practice that is beyond that achieved for licensure. It is also specialty practice specific, rather than generic in nature.

Certification is distinctly different from ‘licensing.” Licensure is conferred /granted by the Government. In most all cases, licensure is the responsibility of the State Government. Every state has its own government agencies that oversee and confer licensure to professionals, i.e. the state boards of nursing.  Licensure is established by “laws” and then specific rules and regulations which conform to the tenets of the state’s laws. Licensure is granted and over-seen by state agencies. Certification, on the other hand, is NOT licensure and is not established by any “laws.”  Licensing agencies generally do not “oversee” professional certifications, unless their specific laws mandate a certain professional certification, in order to practice. An example of this would be: for a registered nurse to receive and be conferred a license as a “Nurse Practitioner” most states require that the RN also have Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center or the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.  So, in order to be licensed as a nurse practitioner, the nurse must hold certification from one of those two professional organizations. The State Board of Nursing does not oversee the certification, but rather requires it for nurse practitioner license.

Why Achieve a Certification?

“Professional certification shows consumers and potential employers that you are committed to your profession and are well-trained. It gives them confidence in your abilities and knowledge. Certification makes you more valuable to employers, so you can expect to earn more than someone without certification. Certification also offers advancement opportunities.” 2  Other compelling reasons to consider a specialty practice certification include: Acquire advanced knowledge and skills in a sub-specialty health care practice: 1) Achieve national recognition for attainment of knowledge and skills by meeting established standards of professional advanced practice, 2). Enhance and expand your health care practice, 3). Increase your marketability, 4). Be viewed as a credentialed expert in your practice specialty, and 5). Become part of a professional group and network of recognized and certified health care specialists.

Report findings published on revealed the following regarding Nurses that held certifications: 1). Certified nurses make more money, 2). Certified nurses have respect and recognition, 3). Certified nurses have validated competence in their specialty area, 4). Certified nurses are more marketable and hireable, 5). Certified nurses perceive they have more power in their organizations, 6). Certified nurses have more professional opportunities, 7). Certified nurses have standing among their professional peers, and 8). Certified nurses are more confident. 3

While these study finds were specific to the nursing profession, we believe such benefits are applicable to all health care professionals who hold practice specialty certifications, especially related to recognition, opportunities in employment and validated competency in their practices.

Ongoing Learning

A major hallmark of quality Certification programs is the mandate that Certified Members commit to continued learning in order to maintain their certifications. This is most generally achieved by requiring a recertification process in which certified member’s document continued learning in their practice specialty by way of continuing education. Certifying bodies will establish quality standards for the requirements for its certified members to achieve contact hours of continuing education credits in order to maintain their certification status by the organization or association. 1, 2

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals upholds this high quality standard for recertification of its members by an established program of recertification via mandatory continuing education as well as clinical practice hours over a four-year time frame.  Certified members may recertify their status upon meeting the standards established for recertification of their practice specialties.

The AIHCP CE Model for Certification

The Model for Certification at the American Institute of Health Care Professionals is one based on a core curriculum of focused Continuing Education (CE) Courses. We feel strongly that the conferral of a professional certification requires the attainment of current knowledge and skills in a specialty practice and those who achieve certification should all have the same educational achievements and knowledge/skill base. We insure this by modeling our Certification programs on student’s achievements in a strong curriculum of continuing education in order to achieve our professional Certifications.

Why is continuing education important as a foundation of our model? There are several reasons why continuing education is important for health care professionals. First, it helps them keep up with the latest advances in their field. Second, it helps them maintain their skills and knowledge. Third, it helps them stay current with changes in the healthcare industry. Fourth, it helps them meet their licensure requirements. Finally, it helps them improve their patient care skills. With the rapid pace of change in the medical world, it is essential for health care professionals to keep abreast of new developments in order to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Another reason that we proposed continuing education courses as the foundation of our Certification model is that the benefits of continuing education courses are numerous. For one, they can keep you abreast of the latest developments in your field, which can be beneficial both professionally and personally. Additionally, they can help you network with other professionals in your field, which can lead to new opportunities. Finally, continuing education courses can simply be enjoyable and enriching, providing student candidates with a chance to learn new things and explore different topics.

Our model consists of several types of continuing education courses. Many of our CE courses are self-directed and self-paced with faculty-mentoring as required by the student candidates. Students utilize text books for the course and very often supplemental learning materials such as course handouts, articles and videos. Other types of courses we have include online video on demand lectures courses that provide for printable copies of the slides used in the videos.

All of our CE courses have examinations that must be successfully completed in order for students to receive credit for the courses and also receive a CE Course Certificate. Most all of the examinations on taken right online with a computerized system and are objective-type questions such as multiple choice and true/false questions. Students take the examination online and once completed receive immediate feedback of their examination score and the questions they may have missed including what the correct responses are to missed questions. Students must complete a comprehensive online course evaluation in order to receive their CE Course Certificate. Students may communicate with their course instructors regarding any questions they have about the examination both pre and post-test taking.

All of our CE Courses are approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. We are an accredited provider of continuing education for the California Board of Registered Nursing. For many of our CE Courses we also have Board of Nursing Approval by the Florida Board of Nursing and the DC Board of Nursing. As well we are a Rule Approved Provider for CE by the following Boards of Nursing: Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky and New Mexico. The AIHCP is also an Approved Provider for Continuing Education by the South Carolina Professional Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists and Psycho-Educational Specialists licensing board.

Upon successful completion of our CE Courses, our student candidates receive a full-sized Course CE Certificate with the full name of the course, date of completion, number of earned contact hours as well as all Board and Organizational approvals for the course. As our student candidates are generally health care professionals they have the added benefit of being able to use their earned CE Course contact hours for their State re-licensing CE requirements and many can use them for their CE requirements for recertification in other professionals organizations.

Our foundational model of CE for Certification is also based on the importance to stay current in the health care field as changes in technology and treatments occur rapidly. As a health care professional, you need to be able to provide the best possible care for your patients. Staying current also allows you to keep up with the latest guidelines and standards of care. Additionally, new research is constantly emerging that can impact patient care.

In conclusion, our foundational model of continuing education courses for certification for health care professionals is important in order to keep up with the latest advancements in health care. They also help to refresh and update the skills of those who have been working in the field for many years. All of our courses can be taken online and are self-paced for the student candidate’s easy of self-paced learning and many employers offer financial assistance to employees who enter our programs.


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  2. October 2018
  3. October 2018