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The following CE Courses have provider approvals: The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595.
MED 420 – St. Teresa and the Interior Castle
One of the richest spiritual and meditative classics of the Western Tradition is St. Teresa of Avila’s “Interior Castle”. This course hopes to guide one through the castle and its Seven Mansions. St. Teresa masterfully takes our hand and leads one through the initiate stages of mediation via purgation and eventually to illumination and union with God. This classic deals with a variety of ideals in the Christian tradition that deal with locutions, discernment, spiritual aridty, states of spiritual ecstasy, and ultimately union with God. If you are interested in meditation or spiritual guidance, this is a critical course to understand and pass. Course Code: MED 420. Contact hours of education = 30. Course Cost = $ 125.00
SC 400 – Path of Light
This online continuing education course is designed for certified spiritual counselors. This is a comprehensive course that details excellent interpretation and life applications of the principles in a “Course in Miracles.” The accompanying text book is one of the best interpretive works on the “course” available today. This course is focused on a spiritual psychotherapy content and presents further learning regarding the core principles in modern spirituality and practice today. Students will learn more about the Course in Miracles and develop insight into its study benefits as a path of transformation. Spiritual Counselors will be able to utilize life adaptation principles learned to assist clients in their own spiritual development and transformations. Students will gain a more in-depth appreciation of a Course in Miracles and its inherent usefulness in spiritual counseling practice. Upon successful completion of this course, 50 contact hours of education are awarded for recertification status. Cost: $ 100.00. Course Code: SC 400
SC 405 – When Bad Things Happen: The Existence of Evil
This course is a multi-disciplined course in that it covers theological, social, philosophical, and counseling related topics. This course is presented from a “christian perspective.” Its primary importance, in relationship to counseling certifications, is to give the counselor an academic background in the problem of evil, or the theodicy. Bad things happen every day. Catastrophic earthquakes, sudden deaths, and the sadness that can accompany life are all facets of the human condition. While bad things may not be seen as pure evil, but the reality of life, one cannot deny that beyond misery there is an existence of evil that goes well beyond the mere counseling dilemmas that one may face. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits. Cost: $ 100.00. Course Code: SC 405
SC 410 – Working With The Angelic Realm
This continuing education course provides education for certified spiritual counselors on the Angelic realm. Course content is from the book, “Angel Therapy Handbook” by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Students will study fully the angelic realm and be introduced to angel therapy. Angel therapy is a spiritual/metaphysical form of therapy that involves calling upon powerful archangels and other angels to work with clients for healing. The focus is on providing spiritual healing through spiritual practices and therapies. Participants will learn many of Dr. Virtue’s methods for contacting the angelic realm as well as specific protocols for working with clients. Many practical applications are provided for this type of therapy. Participants will also study ways to increase skills in the marketing of their spiritual counseling practices. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive 30 contact hours of continuing education. Course Code: SC 410. Course Cost = $ 75.00.
SC 590 – Exploration of the Spirit Realm: A Christian Perspective
Christian metaphysics is an essential element to Christian doctrine. The dualistic nature of a temporal reality and a supernatural reality however is forever interwoven. Hence it is important for a Christian counselor to have a sound practical and theological understanding of the supernatural element of the human person. Within this falls a broad range of topics. This includes the spiritual charisms of the Holy Spirit that range from gifts of discernment to spiritual care of the soul. In addition to this, it involves an exploration of the angelic realm, both good and bad, and an understanding of humanity’s eschatological ends. This course hopes to sharpen “spiritual senses” in counseling with a better understanding of Christian metaphysical concepts and Christian based interaction with the supernatural realm.This course is particularly designed for those who would like to apply for Certification as a Certified Spiritual Counselor in Christian Counseling by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc,. Course Code: SC 590. Contact hours of Education =50. Course Fee: $ 150.00.
SC 605 – Christian Meditation: Eastern Applications
This course is designed to teach the student Meditation practices with a Christian focus, based on Eastern applications. The Christian Counselor is a source of spirituality for his or her clients. He does not only advise, heal, and guide, but enriches the soul he counsels. SC 605 covers the supplying source for this spiritual spring which is prayer. In particular, the course delves into Christian Meditative prayer. It primarily utilizes Fr. Keating’s book on centering prayer, “Open Mind, Open Heart”. Keating mixes many of the Eastern traditions of meditation with Christian notions in developing a deep prayer life for Christians that goes beyond the mere vocal prayers of the Church. In addition to this, the course also studies various Christian mystics, their works, and their meditations. Through this brief run through history, you will enrich your knowledge of the mystics and the saints but also become more familiar with their story, their writings, and their meditations. Course Code: SC 605. Contact hours of education = 50. Cost: $ 150.00
SC 610 – Spiritual Counseling for the Elderly
The goal is to learn about counseling the elderly of multi faiths, cultures and spirituality. In addition, the student will learn about various dimensions of commitments and religiosity.
This course is particularly designed for those who would like to apply for Certification as a Certified Spiritual Counselor in Christian Counseling by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc,. Course Code: SC 610. Contact hours of Education = 35. Course Cost = $ 150.00
SC 620 – Ignatian Spirituality
The spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola was a unique one that utilized the analogy of spiritual warfare with the evil one. Spirituality revolved around strict military like discipline, spiritual war with Satan, and a Christo-ecentric goal. Everything revolves around Christ and the Spiritual Exercises emphasize this dependency on Christ as one focuses and meditates on Christ’s life. This course will examine the life of St. Ignatius and his Spiritual Exercises. It will also emphasize Ignatius’ ideals on examination of conscience, discernment, choices, meditation and types of prayer. It is our hope that this course will enlighten you to new and interesting concepts regarding spirituality and the unique character of St. Ignatius Loyola. Course Code: SC 620. Contact hours of education = 30. Course Fee: $150.00
SC 630 – Spiritual Cognitive Therapy Counseling
This course focuses on using the spiritually informed cognitive therapy method in counseling for psychological disorders or counseling for spiritual healing and growth. The thesis by Downing investigated counseling issues of spiritual nature using cognitive therapy. The problem is that spirituality has gained momentum in this generation while therapists may not be caught up and appropriately trained. Given a high number of therapist claiming atheism and agnosticism, there is learning to pursue by the counselor or therapist regarding possible religious beliefs and how to connect proven cognitive therapy with spirituality and perspectives. On the other hand, religious leaders may not possess clinical skills in order to provide effective spiritual guidance. The dissertation by Good investigated the application of the spiritually informed cognitive behavioral therapy (SICBT) and proposed a 12 week course of SICBT. Details of contents for every session were proposed. In addition, using the Bible, passages were proposed for various disorders. Contact Hours of continuing education = 50. Course Code: SC 630. Course Cost = $ 150.00
SC 640 – Christian Orthodox Spirituality
This course focuses on the Orthodox Christian Spirituality as written by a monk of the Eastern Orthodox Church. “Monk of the Eastern Church” is a pseudo name of writer Lev Gillet . The Oriental and Eastern churches are called Orthodox, while the Western church is described as Catholic (Universal). The terms Oriental and Eastern may look synonymous but unfortunately they are not one church. The Eastern Church includes Greece and Russia among others. The Oriental church includes Egypt and Armenia among others. The Eastern and Oriental churches will be treated as one for the purpose of this course. The text, however, does present differences between Eastern and Western or Orthodox and Catholic. The writer of the text was Catholic and converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. Contact hours of continuing education = 15. Course Code: SC 640. Course Cost = $ 50.00
SC 650 – Christian Morality
This course is an in-depth look at Christian Morality and Moral Theology. Moral Theology deals with moral law and how it is applied to individuals in their everyday choices. The knowledge in this field is critical for any Christian Counselor since it helps him or her able to help others with moral choices.
In this study, one will learn about Christian Law and its objective nature but also how that law is applied to individuals. Furthermore, this course will review other key concepts in Moral Theology that deal with Ethical models for decisions, as well as the role of conscience and discernment, and also the study of virtue in the Christian moral life.
This course is particularly designed for those who would like to apply for Certification as a Certified Spiritual Counselor in Christian Counseling by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc,. Course Code: SC 650. Contact hours of Education = 30. Course Cost = $ 150.00