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Grief Counseling CE Courses


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The following CE Courses have provider approvals:

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is an Approved Provider for Continuing Education by the South Carolina Professional Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists and Psycho-Educational Specialists licensing board, Provider # 4637. 

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595.

The following CE Courses have provider approvals:   The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. is an Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Florida State Board of Nursing  Provider # 50-11975.


The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Arkansas Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Georgia Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the South Carolina Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Professional Registered Nurses. CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing CE Provider # 50-11975.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc: is a Rule Approved Provider of Continuing Education by the New Mexico Board of Nursing. CE Provider # 50-11975.


AM 500 – Anger Management: Concepts & Theories

Yield Theory, developed by Dr. Christian Conte, a Level V Anger Management Specialist, is the basis for Walking through Anger. It is an evidenced-based approach used by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and by other states and organizations. Although the theory can be briefly known by its three actions and seven fundamental components, its practice requires counselors, psychotherapists and anger management practitioners to be mindful of their own nature, strengths, and weaknesses. Once mastered, however, Yield Theory can be an effective tool that enhances communication, abbreviates and even eliminates anger, and provides avenues for positive behavioral outcomes. 65 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: AM 500. Course Cost: $ 200.00


GC 500 – Complicated Mourning

This online course covers a comprehensive overview and review of normal grief reactions and the grieving process. It then explores in depth the issues of complicated and abnormal grief reactions and processes. Students learn the signs/symptoms of complicated and abnormal grief as well as criteria for referrals and counseling interventions that support clients needing more intense and higher level therapies. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 25 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 500Course Cost: $100.00


GC 510 – Spiritual Interventions In Grief Counseling

This online course presents a newer approach to grief counseling and explores the spiritual dimensions of interventions that assist in healing the bereaved. Students learn to assist clients in finding support in spiritual practices and also learn to use a mindfulness meditation that is helpful to clients. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 25 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 510Course cost: $100.00.


GC 520 – Assessment And Intervention Strategies For Bereaved Children

This course provides the student already familiar with grief theory and children, a storehouse of hands-on assessment and creative intervention methodologies aimed at helping children who are experiencing loss and grief.  Through a description and comprehensive presentation of a variety of strategies that identify and assess where children are in the grieving process, the student will develop skill in how and when to apply interventions at various developmental stages in a child’s growth. The student is provided with the theory behind an intervention, the rationale for the intervention, and the grief task it addresses.  Full instructions are provided for the effective practice and application of the intervention.  Strategies are presented for individual counseling settings, family sessions and peer support groups.

The interventions explained include play therapy, art therapy, story telling and the use of children’s commemorations.  Utilizing research from the Dougy Center for Grieving Children, the course also includes a review and description of essential attitudes and communication skills care givers should practice when dealing with the grieving child.  Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits Course Code: GC 520. Course Cost: $ 150.00


GC 530 – Meaning Reconstruction In Grief And Bereavement

This comprehensive course explores the principles and propositions of the revisionist theory of “meaning reconstruction” as it applies to grief and bereavement. The course examines the current body of research that argues for a more dynamic concept of loss that goes beyond stage or task theory.  Meaning reconstruction positions the concept of grief on the constructivist process of meaning making and on a reworking of the griever’s assumptive world. The course elucidates this grief theory as a highly subjective and social process in which the bereaved – rather than withdrawing energy from the deceased – constructs a new world of meaning as a result of the experience of loss. As the student appraises this contemporary paradigm, he/she will develop a fresh understanding of the role of grief and loss in changing the life perception of the griever.  The student will also assess meaning making strategies and therapist dialog in order to apply the theory of meaning reconstruction as a technique in grief counseling.

The reading in this course is extensive and presumes that students have a good understanding of the process of grief as described in stage and task theory. Readings have been chosen from a variety of grief theorists in order to furnish the student with a thorough understanding of the rich dimensions of this approach. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 40 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Cost: $ 150.00 Course Code: GC 530 


GC 535 – Bereavement Aftercare Programs: Development & Implementation

This course is designed as a resource for those who are interested in establishing – or enhancing an already existing – Aftercare Program for the  bereaved.  It demonstrates the ever growing need for organized Aftercare Programs, and offers detailed information on how to meet those needs.  In addition to Funeral Home based programs, information on establishing programs in other settings, including schools, hospitals and the military is provided.  Both ethical and practical issues will be discussed. Students study a wide range of topics related to the development and implementation of a comprehensive and quality bereavement aftercare program.

The text for this course, “When All The Friends Have Gone – A Guide For Aftercare Providers”, is a groundbreaking guide for anyone interested in helping the bereaved on their journey through grief.  This course is designed to educate and prepare providers with the tools they need to accompany their clients on that journey. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education creditsCourse Code: GC 535. Course Cost: $100.00.


GC 540 – Counseling Individuals With Life-threatening Illness

This course provides a way to better understand the intricate issues and dynamics of various trajectories people might face amid life-threatening illness. Selective theoretical foundations are presented, along with brief anecdotal accounts of individuals facing serious diagnosis. Moreover, a phasic model is proffered depicting the pathways of life-threatening illness. The framework presented in the text can be described as holistic and family-inclusive. Counseling suggestions are offered for practitioners’ consideration when working with gravely sick persons and their families/supportive others. As Doka himself remarks, the goal of the book is “to make the struggle with life-threatening illness a little more understandable and perhaps less lonely and frightening” (2009, p. 11). Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 45 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 540. Course Cost: $150.00


GC 570 – Current Topics in Death, Dying & Bereavement

This course is designed to provide the health care professional who deals directly with dying, death and bereavement an overview of the topics, trends, research and issues that are current in the field of thanatology today.  Through a series of selected articles, you will have the opportunity to explore and evaluate medical, ethical, emotional, spiritual and cultural topics that constitute ongoing issues in this field.  Topics are centered around new definitions of death; dying and death across the life cycle (children, teens, the elderly); the dying process; ongoing ethical questions connected with dying and death; contemporary trends in funerals and burials rites; and current concepts in the grieving process.  Students studying pastoral thanatology, grief counseling, and funeral services will especially benefit by this course.  The course presupposes that the student is practicing in one of these fields and would like to benefit from a summary and review of the current debates and issues of these fields. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 45 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Cost: $125.00. Course Code: GC 570


GC 575 – Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving

This course provides the pastoral thanatologist with assessment and counseling strategies critical in the care of clients experiencing complicated and/or dysfunctional reactions to the loss of a loved one.  The course begins with a detailed review of the normal grief response, and then moves into a  comprehensive analysis of the kinds of complications found in each phase of grief.  It distinguishes between complicated grief and dysfunctional grief reactions and provides pastoral strategies to deal with each.  After this foundation is presented, the course provides an understanding of the spiritual aspects of grief and presents pastoral strategies for dealing with these grief issues.  It concentrates on such  pastoral tools like developing connectedness, remembering, a sense of self, relationship, memory building and meaning. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 50 contact hours of continuing education credits Course Cost: $150.00 Course Code: GC 575. 


GC 600 – Christian Death and Dying

The Christian perspective on death and suffering has always presented a unique theism of a personal God who willing allowed himself to experience suffering and death through the Incarnation of the 2nd Person of the Trinity. The story of Jesus offers the perfect paradigm and example on how Christians should greet suffering and death. This does not mean the Christian is immune from the emotional, psychological, or spiritual pains of suffering, but it does mean via Christ, the ultimate teacher and example, Christians can transform suffering into something greater than mere loss. Through Christ’s death was life, and through a proper understanding of Christian suffering, eternal life and merit can be found and applied to one’s life. This course explores the sufferings of Christ, his saints, and looks at the Christian notion of death and man’s final eschatological end.   It sets the foundation for the Christian perspective on Christian grief. Course Code: GC 600. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 35 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Fee: $ 150.00


GC 630 – Counseling Ministry to the Bereaved

Christianity has always viewed grief as a true human reality that is not to be escaped but accepted and transformed into something new and redeeming.  GC 630 continues this Christian theology and attempts to apply it to ministry.  The text for the course “The Unwanted Gift of Grief” exemplifies this notion as grief as a gift.  The text is not intended for one to escape the pain but hopes to invite one into it and through that pain create a “transformation and new life”. The course Christianizes the behavioral sciences not only within the text but also looks at the “Unwanted Gift of Grief” through the story of Job.  This second text and commentary on Job nourishes the spirituality of the counselor and equips the counselor with greater understanding of one of the greater Old Testament works on grief. Course Code: GC 630. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 50 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Fee: $ 150.00 


GC 640 – Christian Approaches to Survivors of Suicide

The tragic nature of a loss involving suicide is more than a simple death but a tragedy of despair and anguish—one society can at times stigmatize and leave family members in a state of grief saturated with ambivalence. The Christian’s answer to this catastrophic event has for the longest time been aligned with the “Death of Judas” leaving the mark of suicide as a state of betrayal.  While it is true Christian moral theology has viewed it as a sin of despair, there are other elements of Christianity that has always sought to understand the despair and find love in the chaos. This is especially true in recent years as Christianity has embraced a more loving pastoral understanding of the misfortunes associated with suicide both for those who have attempted it and those who have been victims of lost family members who have succeeded in it. This course aims at first identifying the Christian theology on suicide, including both suicide and assisted suicide, and then giving the Christian counselor feedback on how to administer to those who contemplate suicide and those who are victims of suicide within the family. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 40 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 640. Course Fee: $ 150.00


GC 650 – Transform Your Loss

This comprehensive course introduces a system on how to process grief and embrace life after a loss. It can be applied to the personal situation of the student or to be used with clients.  Students study different kinds of losses, the dimensions of grief, personal stories, and the system of transformation. This course provides the tools to approach loss in a holistic manner, integrating body, mind, and spirit. These losses may be loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of health or loss of job, among other losses.  The purpose of this system is to empower people to embrace people and turn loss into growth. This course provides for a textbook as well as online videos produced by the course author. This course is particularly designed for those who would like to apply for Re-Certification as a Grief Counselor with the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits Course Cost: $ 100.00 Course Code: GC 650.


GC 670 – New Concepts in the Science of Bereavement

Old paradigms regarding attachment as pathological or stage theories as universal are quickly being swept under the rug as contemporary grief theorists are realizing the human condition of grief is more diverse than previously thought.  George Bonanno in his book, “The Other Side of Sadness: What the New Science of Bereavement Tells Us About Life After Loss”  points out the many new theories regarding grief and grief support.  This course uses his text as a blue print to examine grief and older theories regarding it from a new 21st Century perspective that is sure to give any grief counselor new ideas and outlooks on grief support. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Cost: $ 100.00. Course Code: GC 670. 


GC 680 – Elisabeth Kubler Ross and Grief Theory

The teachings and research of Elisabeth Kubler Ross have left a great imprint upon the study of bereavement.  Her research led to the famous phases or steps of grieving for terminally ill patients, starting with denial and ending in acceptance.  However, her research and ideas are much deeper than the steps that developed from her dedicated visitation with the dying.  With it comes a philosophy of death as experienced and formulated by Kubler Ross.  From her writings we see not only a doctor and physician but a caring friend to the dying.  This course looks at three of her works, “On Death and Dying” where she lists her famous steps of grief, and also her two other works entitled “On Children and Death” and “Death: The Final Stage of Growth”.  I hope these texts help grief counselors find a deeper appreciation for one of the pioneers in the science of bereavement. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 50 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Cost: $150.00. Course Code: GC 680.


GC 682 – Ambiguous Grief and Cognitive Grief Therapy

This course focuses on two important concepts in grief counseling which are not mainstream. The first is a kind of grief, which is not caused by physical death, but grief that is caused by a psychological absence. Psychological absence can cause grief like physical death and often more painful to adapt to and cope with it. First step is to identify the psychological absence, then identify its effects, then possible treatments. The second is a kind of therapy. This important concept to learn about in this course is the practice of Cognitive Grief Psychotherapy. Cognitive Therapy is based on changing dysfunctional thinking and emotions. Assessment, interventions, and complications in the bereavement processes are studied using the cognitive model of therapy. Finally, this course touches on the difficulties and challenges that cognitive therapists often face. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 50 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Cost: $150.00. Course Code: GC 682.


GC 684 – Effective Clinical Interviewing

This CE course provides a very comprehensive overview of theories, processes and considerations when conducting a clinical interview.  Four broad areas of clinical interviewing are covered: 1. “Becoming a Mental Health Professional”, 2. “Listening and Relationship Development”, 3. “Structuring and Assessment” and, 4. Interviewing Special Populations.”   Chapters within each area discuss research, theories, cultural issues, ethics, techniques and challenges.  Ultimately the course provides clear and practical knowledge of the clinical interview. This course prepares students with the knowledge and skills to conduct and document a high quality interview and assessment.  Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 50 contact hours of continuing education creditsCourse Cost: $200.00 Course Code: GC 684. 


GC 685 – Counseling Hispanics Through Loss

This comprehensive CE course explores the multiple losses Hispanics may face living in the United States.  Students will learn about different losses such as the loss of a loved one, homeland, traditions, and/or language.  This course provides tools to approach these losses in an empowering manner, offering different approaches and case stories.  Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 35 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 685. Course Cost: $ 125.00


GC 686 – Family Divorce Therapy

This course is designed as a resource for the study of divorce and it’s impact on families, focusing a great deal on children.  For professionals who counsels clients before, during and after a divorce it provides solid information, specific suggestions and an overall view of the entire process of divorce as it impacts all involved.  Due to the fact that almost 50% of all marriages end in divorce, this course provides much needed current information on a wide range of subjects, including the grief and loss experienced by the parties involved, especially the children. It is an invaluable guide for therapists, counselors, lawyers and mediators. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 686. Course Cost: $ 150.00


GC 687 – Perspectives on Aging (CLOSED FOR UPDATES)

This CE course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding about what aging is and what it is not.  During this course students will explore aging population statistics and demographics, aging myths, theories of aging, health in the later years, developmental tasks of elders, attitudes toward death and dying, and how elders grieve. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 40 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 687. Course Cost: $ 150.00


GC 688 – The Seven Intentions of Mourning

Carrying the Cross of Grief with Meaning and Hope. This online CE course looks at grief as the reaction to loss, and mourning being the intentional response; what can grievers choose to do with the pain of grief. Students will study the differences between grief and mourning as well as what it means to mourn with intention. There is an in-depth look at each of the Seven Intentions of Mourning; Prayer, Remember and Honor loved ones, Acceptance, Yield to the Pain, Enduring Connection, Redefine and Rebuild and lastly, Give and Receive Support. The course also explores Redemptive Suffering and recasts it as Redemptive Mourning, how the suffering of grief can have meaning when united with the suffering of Christ.

Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 20 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 688. Course Cost: $125


GC 740 – Grief Support for Global Cultures & Religions

The CE course in the Diverse Populations Grief Specialist Certification Program curriculum focused on Global Cultures and Religions covers a comprehensive overview and review of forms of grief rituals practiced by world religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and their respective denominations and subsects in areas of the world where they are most commonly represented. It then explores the ways that those who come from these religions may be able to still practice their grief rituals if they live in societies where their religious practices are not common. Students learn how to support clients from diverse religions, as well as other spiritual practices and secular approaches to grief. This Grief Support for Global Cultures and Religions course includes readings/study from the assigned textbook.

Course Code: GC 740. Contact hours of education = 35. Cost: $150.00. 


GC 750 – Grief Support for People of Color

The CE course in the Diverse Populations Grief Specialist Certification Program curriculum focused on People of Color covers a comprehensive overview and review of forms of grief, including racism, experienced particularly by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), including Latinx and Asian Americans. It then explores the ways that minority races have historically coped with grief, including intergenerational trauma. Students learn how to support clients from diverse race cultures through their grief, including collective grief and vicarious trauma of victims from their own communities. This Grief Support for People of Color course includes readings/study from the assigned textbooks as well as video lectures and presentations.

Course Code: GC 750. Contact hours of education = 65. Cost: $175.00. 


GC 760 – Grief Support for LGBTQ+ Communities

The CE course in the Diverse Populations Specialist Certification Program curriculum focused on LGBTQ+ Communities covers a comprehensive overview and review of forms of grief, including losing a romantic partner and discrimination, experienced by grievers who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, nonbinary, or another sexual orientation. It then explores the ways that LGBTQ+ grievers differ in coping with grief, based on their preferences and circumstances. Students learn how to support clients from LGBTQ+ communities through their grief. This Grief Support for LGBTQ+ Communities course includes readings/study from the assigned textbooks as well as a video lecture and presentation.

Course Code: GC 760. Contact hours of education = 60. Cost: $175.00. 


GC 770 – Grief Support for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The CE course in the Diverse Populations Specialist Certification Program curriculum focused on Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities covers a comprehensive overview and review of grief rituals that are appropriate for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). It then explores the ways that IDD grievers differ in coping with grief, based on their motor abilities and accommodations. Students learn how to support clients with special needs, their families and their caregivers through their grief. This Grief Support for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities course includes readings/study from the assigned textbooks as well as video lectures and presentations.

Course Code:  GC 770.  Contact hours of education =35. Course Cost: $150.00


SC 405 – When Bad Things Happen: The Existence of Evil

This course is a multi-disciplined course in that it covers theological, social, philosophical, and counseling related topics. This course is presented from a “Christian perspective.” Its primary importance, in relationship to counseling certifications, is to give the counselor an academic background in the problem of evil, or the theodicy. Bad things happen every day. Catastrophic earthquakes, sudden deaths, and the sadness that can accompany life are all facets of the human condition. While bad things may not be seen as pure evil, but the reality of life, one cannot deny that  beyond misery there is an existence of evil that goes well beyond the mere counseling dilemmas that one may face. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits. Cost: $ 100.00. Course Code: SC 405


HM 565 – Applied Health Care Ethics and Law

This CE course is designed for nurse managers, working supervisors, assistant managers and department managers and for those who aspire to hold these positions in their healthcare organization. In addition, Nurses practicing in the Legal field and as Cases Managers can benefit from this course as well. We recognize that managers need a sound understanding of the concepts of how law and ethics affect their working environment.  Our goal is to provide you with a solid foundation, with sufficient guidance, and enough information about law and ethics to be beneficial to your work life. This knowledge will be helpful. for both prospective and sitting managers. to be successful in the daily running of their departments and managing the challenges that those who work in healthcare face. An understanding of law and ethics methodology will prepare students to make appropriate decisions in the environments they work in.

Course Code: HM 565. Contact hours of Continuing Education: 30, Course Cost: $150


HM 570 – Ethics in Health Care Practice

This CE course is designed for nurse managers, working supervisors, assistant managers and department managers and for those who aspire to hold these positions in their healthcare organization. In addition, Nurses practicing in the Legal field and as Cases Managers can benefit from this course as well. There is also relevance to those that work in Social Services Field, as well as all who practice in professional health care practices.  We recognize that managers need a sound understanding of the concepts of how healthcare ethics affect their working environment.  Our goal is to provide you with a solid foundation, with sufficient guidance, and enough information about healthcare ethics to be beneficial to your work life and most importantly when applicable to patients served. The most common ethical issues and related legal issues encountered today in health care practice are presented in this course. This knowledge will be helpful for both prospective and sitting managers to be successful in the daily running of their departments and managing the challenges that those who work in healthcare face. An understanding of healthcare ethics methodology will prepare students to make appropriate decisions in the environments they work in. All who work with patients in clinical practices will also benefit highly from the content in this course.

Course Code: HM 570. Contact hours of Continuing Education: 50, Course Cost: $175