Addiction is not a choice, it is a illness. Individuals who are addicted suffer from the mental illness of addiction that also negatively affects their body through cravings and withdraws. It is because of this, individuals need special treatment to overcome substance abuse and addiction.

The article, “Yes, Addiction Is a Mental Illness” from PYSCHCENTRAL looks at how addiction is a mental illness. The article states,
“Mental illness and substance use disorder (SUD) often occur together. It’s unclear which issue happens first, but each can contribute to the other. Genetics and early exposure to trauma are two factors that can increase your chance of developing SUD. Your genes may account for 40% to 60%Trusted Source of your vulnerability to addiction. So if you have SUD, it’s not because you’re not strong enough to change things. Instead, your brain works differently than the brain of someone who isn’t living with addiction.”
To review the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goal. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Substance Abuse Counselor