Opioids are a rising problem within the United States. Lower income families see their teens receive less help and the recovery they need to overcome the pill epidemic. Many teens become addicted at a younger age and continue down the dangerous path of addiction to these types of drugs.

The article, “After opioid overdose, poor teens rarely get addiction treatment” by Lisa Rapaport looks at the struggles for teens from these families. She states,
“Less than one third of teens and young adults who overdose on opioids receive addiction treatment afterward, and the few who do get help receive counseling instead of medication to combat substance misuse, a U.S. study suggests”
To read the entire article, please click here
Substance Abuse continues to be an issue. It may be an issue as old as time, but it can be curbed and it is important that teens receive the help they need to avoid addictions. Recovery and help play key roles into keeping teens from becoming addicted or fatally over dosing.
Please also review our Substance Abuse Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and is open to qualified professionals seeking this certification through online education.