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Policy: Disabilities Policies and Guidelines

Policy and Guidelines for Students with Disabilitiespolicies diabilities

As all of our CE courses are provided as distance learning courses in on-line classrooms, we do not have any traditional policies or guidelines related to on-site seminar type lectures/presentations related to participants with disabilities. Our policies and guidelines are strictly developed related to our customers who may have disabilities that may be related to learning in an on-line classroom via distance education course format.

Visual Impairments

We do not offer any full interpretation services for visual materials, except as defined below. The following guidelines and references /referrals are provided for our students:

1. AIHCP will make all efforts to provide translations for students with visual impairments the following: written course information/promotional materials, course syllabus (full content), and will provide on an appointment basis, translation of all examination questions. AIHCP does not have the resources to provide translation of any textbooks or other types of required reading assignments.

2. AIHCP recommends that students with visual impairments that need any other additional translation services seek out such potential services by contacting one or more of the following: local libraries, local agencies that work with the blind or visually impaired, local social service agencies, local universities that may offer such services, local churches that may offer volunteers to read/translate for those who are visually impaired, your local Lions Club Chapter to ascertain services, local Opthamology/Optometry practices that may offer referrals for reading translators, and also seeking our friend and family members who may be willing to help with reading translation.

3. AIHCP recommends technology devices to assist with reading translations.

1). Reading Pens: reading pens are small scanner pens that you attach to a computer. You then use the pen to scan the text in a book and the software coverts to text to speech on the computer, thus you can convert the text to audio. There are several companies that manufacture them for a moderate price. You can do an internet search for them. We recommend doing a search for “reading devices for the visually impaired.”

2). Kindle or Tablet Versions of the Book: many of our required textbooks are available in Kindle editions on Kindle will allow you to use their “text-to-speech” function, which is highly accurate and thus converts the book to an audio book for you.

3). Magnifiers: there are many excellent magnifying glasses and higher technology text enhancers which will help to enlarge the text for you, on the market today. We recommend that you do an internet search and start with a search for “reading devices for the visually impaired.”

Hearing Impairments

We do not offer any types of specific online audio enhancements on our web site for students with a hearing impairment. The following guidelines and references /referrals are provided for our students:

1. AIHCP staff will always gladly work with any surrogate that you may wish us to work with to assist you in taking and completing our course (s). Anyone with any type of hearing impairment is welcome to take our courses. There are some courses that do have accompanying learning materials that are audio in nature, such as required audio lectures and/or online videos to view. Some of the video presentations do have “closed caption hearing,” but not all have that feature. The majority of our CE Courses are textbook based and online reading materials based, so most of the courses should not pose a problem to students with a hearing impairment.

2. AIHCP recommends, that for students wishing to take a CE Course that requires an audio and/or video lecture, that they seek out the purchase /use of an assisted hearing device. AIHCP recommends beginning by previewing the website of The National Association of the Deaf:

3. Assisted Hearing Devices- there are many types of Assisted Hearing Devices available today that can really help students who would like to take a course that requires audio/video lecture viewing. AIHCP recommends that students do an internet search and start with the key word search “assisted hearing devices” to preview the many types available on the market. Students may also want to contact a local Audiologist’s practice to seek consultation on available devices. Seeking out social service agencies may also be beneficial to ascertain where such devices may be borrowed.

4. Sign Language Services- for those who may need a Sign Language Interpreter , you may contact the following:


Other Disabilities

AIHCP is committed to working with its students who may have other disabilities not mentioned above. We have worked with students with other disabilities/illnesses by granting extensions of time as needed and other assistance where we are able to. You may contact us and request a consultation regarding how we may be able to work with you regarding any disability that you may have and that you believe may be an issue for you when taking CE Courses with us. We will be happy to work with you to the best of our abilities.

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