“Dedicated to Continued Learning, Growth, and Achievement in Christian Counseling Certification in Health Care Practice”
***This Christian Counseling Certification Specialty is available ONLY to those who are currently Certified as a Grief Counselor in the American Academy of Grief Counseling.***
For information on becoming a Certified Grief Counselor, please visit our program page here: Click Here
Become Certified in Christian Grief Counseling. The American Academy of Grief Counseling offers comprehensive, quality, Certification and Fellowship programs for qualified professionals including, physicians, nurses, counselors, social workers, funeral directors, clergy and other professional providers practicing in all specialties of Grief Counseling.
The objectives of the AACM are:
- Provide high quality programs of Certification and Fellowship for professionals practicing grief/bereavement counseling with a specialty practice in Christian based grief counseling.
- Develop and support high standards of education and practice requirements for the attainment of certification, fellowship status, and re-certification in Christian based grief counseling.
- Provide a mechanism for the ongoing involvement of a peer advisory board of qualified professionals to oversee program development and requirements for certification and fellowship in the AAGC.
- Provide society with a mechanism to ascertain the appropriate education, skills, knowledge and experience required by professionals who offer such services.
- Establish quality standards and requirements for the re-certification and re-fellowship of its credentialed members, attesting to ongoing education and skill attainment in the practice specialty of grief/bereavement counseling from a Christian perspective.
- Provide a comprehensive program of approvals for continuing education, seminars, offerings, independent study, and other related educational activities, to ensure high quality standards are met and that such programs are of value to professionals practicing grief and bereavement counseling with a specialty in Christian grief counseling.
Certified Grief Counselor with a Specialty Certification in Christian Grief Counseling requires attainment of the following certification criteria:
- Applicants must hold current Certification as a Certified Grief Counselor by the American Academy of Grief Counseling. To review all information on the Grief Counseling Certification program: Access Information
- Completion of the continuing education program in Christian Grief Counseling offered by the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Upon completion of the six (6) core courses in Christian Grief Counseling, the candidate may then apply for official Certification. This program of education consists of core continuing education courses designed to meet the specific education standards as developed by the American Academy of Grief Counseling for the practice specialty of Christian grief counseling. All courses are offered by distance education, and candidates have two full years to complete the complement of courses. For full program information: access here.
Once Certified, members must commit to adherence to the Code of Ethics for Certified Grief Counselors and adhere to their specific profession’s Standards of Practice.
Those applicants who become certified by the AAGC in the specialty of Christian Grief Counseling- shall be deemed “certified” and may use the initials/credentials CGC-C after their name which stands for “Certified Christian Grief Counselor” or “Christian Grief Counselor- Certified”
All certifications shall be for a period of 4 years from the date that the initial certification by the AAGC is granted.
What are the key benefits of achieving a Certification in this health care specialty practice?
Response: Some of the key benefits of receiving a Certification in Christian Grief Counseling includes increasing your marketability in the work place, enhancing your knowledge and skills base in this specialty practice, increasing your earnings potential, commitment to ongoing professional development and continuing education, achieving recognition for accomplishments attained, networking with peers in the same practice specialty, and much more.
Must I take the continuing education courses/program to achieve my certification?
Response: Yes, our model for certification is designed so that our certified members have accomplished the same educational achievements and have consistency in knowledge and skills attainment. Many have experiences in many types of specialties practices, but are varied. Our model focuses on core and solid, comprehensive knowledge and skills that have been determined to practice the specialty at a higher level of quality practice. There are instances where past education may be used to waive some of the courses required. This is evaluated on an individual basis and more information may be found in our more comprehensive FAQS section: Access here
Do you offer a curriculum of continuing education courses that meet the requirements for your Certification standards?
Response: Yes, for each of our certification programs we offer full continuing education curriculums that are designed to meet full requirements for certification. Click on the link above (Ce courses and prices) for this program. All of our CE courses are authored and mentored by highly qualified faculty with graduate degrees.
Do your continuing education courses have any Board approvals?
Response: Yes, most all of our continuing education courses do have some or many Board approvals, depending on types of professional boards. Please access more information: Access here
Does Society Expect Health Care Professionals to be “Certified” in specialty practices?
Response: It is safe to say that today our society expects health care professionals to be highly knowledgeable and to practice their professions as well as their specialty practices at high levels of safe care, quality standards, and to maintain a high level of ethical practice. One way in which our health care professionals may demonstrate this level of achievement is by attaining a recognized professional certification from an organization that has developed and upholds all of these important indicators of high- quality professional specialty practices. Certification in a specialty practice demonstrates the professionals commit to achievements in core defined domains of practice allowing more confidence by society as a whole.
Once I am certified by your organization, am I certified “for life?”
Response: You can be if you chose to be. We have a program of Recertification for all of our specialty practices. Initial certifications are for a four-year period. All those obtaining certification may re-certify upon meeting the specific requirements for recertification every four years. Certified members may recertify every four years indefinitely as long as they meet the recertification requirements for their practice specialty. We hold strongly to the belief that professional Certification requires that one commits to and maintains ongoing education, skills attainment and practice in their specialty practice. Our recertification process allows for the verification of these verifications of our members. We offer a large curriculum of continuing education courses for our certified members if they would like to meet continuing education hours of recertification. You may learn more about our recertification requirements: Access here
After reviewing all of the information on this page, I may have more questions, who may I contact?
Response: We are here to help and assist you in all ways possible. We have Live Chat online during normal business hours and you may access the Live Chat link above on this page. Also, please access our Contact Us Page
Please view more FAQS for this Practice Specialty.
The Certification Process
We have a dedicated page that provides a quick over-view of our certification process. It will provide you with good information about the process/phases of both the education courses and application for certification. Click here to access.
Certified members may receive recertification at the expiration of their four year term by one of the following means:
- Obtaining 50 or more hours of continuing education within the four year period of certification.
- Meet the practice requirements in Christian Grief Counseling for the four year period of initial certification. Click here to view the Criteria for Recertification
Those applicants who have successfully achieved certification, or recertification by the AAGC will receive a large size official Certificate attesting to certification as a child/adolescent certified grief counselor, as well as an official letter of notification. The certificate is suitable for framing and details the official professional certification title, initials that may be used, and time frames for certification. Those recertifying receive a new, updated certificate.
Standards & Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics for Certified Grief Counselors and Fellows of the American Academy of Grief Counseling may be viewed online by clicking here. The Code of Ethics is approved by the Governing Board and the Advisory Board of the American Academy of Grief Counseling.
Fee Schedule
- The certification fee for Christian Grief Counselors is $220.00, plus shipping and handling, for the four year term of certification. All Certification packets, which include the official certificate, wallet ID card, and other related documents are shipped with tracking. Payment in full is due at the time of application. If an applicant does not meet certification criteria, the application fee is refunded. A completed application must be submitted with full payment to be considered for certification. The application form is available Here.
- Application for Re-certification is $220.00, plus shipping and handling, for the next four year period. This is a one time payment and is required in full at the time of application for re-certification. A completed application must accompany the payment.
- Major credit cards are accepted. Check and money orders are to be payable to: The American Institute of Healthcare Professionals.
Achieving Fellowship Status
The AAGC provides for a Fellowship status for Certified Grief Counselors. Fellowship is granted following the successful completion of all requirements as defined by the AAGC. Fellowship status is considered the highest form of professional recognition by a certification body, and attests to the Fellow’s ongoing commitment, knowledge attainment, skill, and practice experience in the field of professional Grief Counseling. Those who achieve Fellowship status are deemed a “Fellow in the American Academy of Grief Counseling “, and may use the initials, FAAGC. Fellows may also continue to use the initials GC-C as they maintain their initial certification along with their Fellowship.
Click here for Fellowship Information.
Online Application
Click here for the online application.
Additional Resources
Click here to request more information.
Click here for our Privacy Policy.
What is Certification?
“A certification is a third-party attestation of an individual’s level of knowledge or proficiency in a certain industry or profession. They are granted by authorities in the field, such as professional societies and universities, or by private certificate-granting agencies. Most certifications are time-limited; some expire after a period of time (e.g., the lifetime of a product that required certification for use), while others can be renewed indefinitely as long as certain requirements are met. Renewal usually requires ongoing education to remain up-to-date on advancements in the field, evidenced by earning the specified number of continuing education credits (CECs), or continuing education units (CE’s), from approved professional development courses. “ 1
Certification is an official recognition from a “Professional Organization” that one has met all of the established standards as determined by that professional organization to be conferred the specific “certification” by that professional organization. Certifications are most frequently established and conferred by “professional organizations.” Certification is thus a validation that a professional has thus achieved a high standard of knowledge, learning and skills in a specific specialty area of practice. It attests to an achievement in professional practice that is beyond that achieved for licensure. It is also specialty practice specific, rather than generic in nature.
Certification is distinctly different from ‘licensing.” Licensure is conferred /granted by the Government. In most all cases, licensure is the responsibility of the State Government. Every state has its own government agencies that oversee and confer licensure to professionals, i.e. the state boards of nursing. Licensure is established by “laws” and then specific rules and regulations which conform to the tenets of the state’s laws. Licensure is granted and over-seen by state agencies. Certification, on the other hand, is NOT licensure and is not established by any “laws.” Licensing agencies generally do not “oversee” professional certifications, unless their specific laws mandate a certain professional certification, in order to practice. An example of this would be: for a registered nurse to receive and be conferred a license as a “Nurse Practitioner” most states require that the RN also have Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center or the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. So, in order to be licensed as a nurse practitioner, the nurse must hold certification from one of those two professional organizations. The State Board of Nursing does not oversee the certification, but rather requires it for nurse practitioner license.
Why Achieve a Certification?
“Professional certification shows consumers and potential employers that you are committed to your profession and are well-trained. It gives them confidence in your abilities and knowledge. Certification makes you more valuable to employers, so you can expect to earn more than someone without certification. Certification also offers advancement opportunities.” 2 Other compelling reasons to consider a specialty practice certification include: Acquire advanced knowledge and skills in a sub-specialty health care practice: 1) Achieve national recognition for attainment of knowledge and skills by meeting established standards of professional advanced practice, 2). Enhance and expand your health care practice, 3). Increase your marketability, 4). Be viewed as a credentialed expert in your practice specialty, and 5). Become part of a professional group and network of recognized and certified health care specialists.
Report findings published on Nurse.com revealed the following regarding Nurses that held certifications: 1). Certified nurses make more money, 2). Certified nurses have respect and recognition, 3). Certified nurses have validated competence in their specialty area, 4). Certified nurses are more marketable and hireable, 5). Certified nurses perceive they have more power in their organizations, 6). Certified nurses have more professional opportunities, 7). Certified nurses have standing among their professional peers, and 8). Certified nurses are more confident. 3
While these study finds were specific to the nursing profession, we believe such benefits are applicable to all health care professionals who hold practice specialty certifications, especially related to recognition, opportunities in employment and validated competency in their practices.
Ongoing Learning
A major hallmark of quality Certification programs is the mandate that Certified Members commit to continued learning in order to maintain their certifications. This is most generally achieved by requiring a recertification process in which certified member’s document continued learning in their practice specialty by way of continuing education. Certifying bodies will establish quality standards for the requirements for its certified members to achieve contact hours of continuing education credits in order to maintain their certification status by the organization or association. 1, 2
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals upholds this high quality standard for recertification of its members by an established program of recertification via mandatory continuing education as well as clinical practice hours over a four-year time frame. Certified members may recertify their status upon meeting the standards established for recertification of their practice specialties.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_certification October 2018. Page 1.
- https://www.collegetransfer.net/AskCT/WhatisProfessionalCertification/ October 2018
- https://www.nurse.com/blog/2018/03/14/enjoy-the-perks-of-nurse-certification/ October 2018