Continuing Education Program
The American Institute of Funeral Service Associates Offers a comprehensive program of continuing education courses which are designed to fulfill the education requirements for applications for certification as a certified funeral service associate. This program does not provide for any type of education to meet any licensing requirements to become a licensed funeral director. Rather, it is available to those wishing to become “assistants” to funeral homes/directors.
The following CE Courses have provider approvals: The American Institute of Health Care Professionals Inc. is a licensed Continuing Education Provider in the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15595.
GC 400 – Death, Dying & Mourning
This online CE course provides a very comprehensive overview of studies, research, and dynamics related to death and dying. Students study many facets of death and dying, as well as major theories, process models, cultural issues, religious issues and other related content. Progression in the course then focuses on processes of mourning and grieving, including effective strategies for assisting the bereaved. Death, dying and mourning is presented also according to various age groups. This course provides for scientific inquiry into death and dying and care of the bereaved. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: GC 400.
Course cost: $165.00
$30.00 Optional Companion Certificate of Completion
FN 190 – Psychosocial Issues In Grief And Death And Dying
This online CE course providers learners with a comprehensive study of the multiple aspects of psychosocial and cultural issues related to death, dying and grieving. Students will study multiple cultures and their norms related to beliefs about death, dying, the afterlife, mourning rituals and culturally determined practices and services related to memorializing the deceased and issues related to grief and bereavement. Students will study the psychology of dying, psychosocial functions of funerals, responses to contemporary funeral practices and after care of the bereaved and multidisciplinary support systems. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 30 hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: FN 190.
Course Cost: $100.00
FN 200 – Process And Function
This online CE course is a comprehensive course and provides learners with a solid foundation in the study of the role of the funeral director, the composite of services performed from pre-planning to aftercare of the bereaved. All components of body preparation, funeral services, service to families and survivors and burial are presented. This course also continues to offer further education in working with the bereaved Students will also be exposed to federal and states laws that govern the practice of funeral directors and funeral services. Processes for pre-planning are included as well as content related to burial and cremations. Types of funeral services are presented and relativity to different cultures and religions are discussed. Common types of permits and documents which are prepared and used in rendering funeral services are also discussed. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 60 hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: FN 200.
Course Cost: $ 100.00
FN 250 – Funeral Services II- Embalming And Preparation & Safety
This online CEU course is a comprehensive course and provides learners with a solid foundation in the study of the embalming process, preparation of the body for viewing and burial and the core safety issues related to the handling of the deceased. Students will study the theory and methods of body preservation, with a focus on arterial and body cavity embalming procedures. Common fluids and embalming agents are presented, as well as equipment used in embalming practices today. A comprehensive presentation of safety issues are examined, including OSHA rules and regulations for funeral homes and embalming rules, and blood borne pathogen standards. Preparation and cleaning of equipment is presented, as well as safety issues related to the handling of fluids and agents for embalming.
Students will then study other body preparations, including restoration, cosmetics, dressing and casketing of the deceased. The theory and learning presented in this comprehensive course utilizes the same text book used in many mortuary science programs today. The core objectives for this course is to prepare the learner to “assist” a licensed embalmer. This course does not prepare one to practice embalming or qualify for licensure as a licensed embalmer. The focus is on the role of the “assistant” in the embalming room and assisting with other aspects of body preparation. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 60 hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: FN 250.
Course Cost: $ 100.00
FN 300 – Customer Service & Funeral Planning
This online CE course is a comprehensive course and provides learners with a solid foundation in the study of customer service initiatives in the funeral services industry, as well as a comprehensive study of the planning process for funerals. Key issues related to customer service for those grieving and dealing with death and funeral preparations are presented. Theories and strategies are presented and studied. This course also provides good overview of the multiple dimensions of roles and services within the funeral service industry, including the role of after care specialists, grief counselors, pre-need planners, ritual specialists, and more. Every aspect of funeral services is presented, along with specific issues related to customer service at each step from intake to burial and after burial. Students will also learn theories related to leadership and management.
The funeral service planning process is fully presented, along with an analysis of the entire process of planning. All key issues related to the planning process of funeral services are examined. Varied types of services are examined, as well as the key components of planning for appropriate services. Students will examine the process in theory in order to be ready to assist funeral homes/directors in their actual work environment. Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded 60 hours of continuing education credits. Course Code: FN 300.
Course Cost: $ 100.00
To meet the requirements for Certification, all of the defined continuing education courses (240 hours of education) provided below, must be successfully completed. Those interested may register for and take one or more courses at any time. Course descriptions and information is provided below. Upon completion of each course, you will be awarded the corresponding continuing education contact hours and receive the CE certificate verifying course completion and the award of education credits. Registration may be completed online, by accessing the links below. These courses are continuing education courses. All courses are by distance education in online classrooms and can be taken from anywhere in the world.
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